Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Adoption Update - It's a GOOD one!

Exciting news! We got a call yesterday that the birthmom we sent our profile to a while back, called and wanted us to be her baby's family. This morning we had a conference call with her and it went really well. She is soft spoken, but is very confident in her decision. She called our agency when she was 11 weeks pregnant. She's known since the beginning that she was going to give this baby up for adoption. She is due December 4, but is scheduled to be induced Tuesday, November 24th in Shreveport, Louisiana. An interesting fact is that her first 3 kids are girls and her 4th is a boy, who was born the exact same day as our Brigham. So this little boy will fit into our family exactly where he was in her family. We are so excited, but are going a little crazy trying to figure out flights, hotels, paying the agency, and figuring out who will watch the kids while I'm gone 7-10 days. I'll miss Kinsie's 12th Birthday and Thanksgiving. Kinsie seems a little sad, but okay because of the excitement of getting a little brother. So I guess things could change if she goes into labor before she is scheduled to be induced and then there is always that chance that once the baby is born, she decides she wants to raise it herself. But for now, we are getting things in line and preparing for bringing a baby boy home in a few weeks.


Paula said...

Hooray! I get chills and am so excited for you guys. I will pray it all goes well. You are one courageous woman!

Cami said...

We are very excited!

jen said...

Thanks for the teaser! I've been checking in with you, but . . . I wasn't holding my breath.

I am so excited for you! You will be having sleepless nights along with me in a few weeks. Maybe we'll need to blog in the wee AM!

Keep updating on the blog, and your book is leaving tomorrow. I hope you get it before you leave.

Congratulations again. That is such a miracle, and I hope you're feeling well. Twelve days? Can it possibly be true?

Now, for a name . . . :)

Brian Beckstead said...

We are super excited for you guys. See you next Sunday.

Amy Lou said...

Congratulations! We were so excited to hear your good news. Please let us know if you there is anything we can do to help or if you have questions once you are there. Can't wait to meet him.