Friday, September 18, 2009

Adoption Update

It's hard for me to keep up with who I tell what, so I thought I would give everyone an update here. If you're a little behind, we are adopting! We were paper ready 2 weeks ago this past Wednesday. We've been shown to 2 birthmoms who didn't pick us. We've turned down being shown to 3 birthmoms due to birthmom doing cocaine, cost too high, etc. We had a neighbor call us about someone they knew, but the baby was caucasian. We are so positive we are looking for a dark skinned little boy out there. The craziest part is that 4 of these 6 babies are born. So if we had matched, we would have our baby home with us right now! So because we kept thinking it could happen any day, this past weekend we did the bedroom moving. Macy moved into Kamryn's large room that is truly meant for 2 kids and Brigham moved into Macy's old room. Because of my awesome friend Cari Gardner and her sister-in-law, Ally, the nursery can now be called a nursery. The onesies and jammies are sorted by size and ready to go. The crib is set up, there is a swing, a cradle, a bouncer, (see I told you, they set me up!) So today I got another call, a baby being born in Lousiana, so again here goes the showing of the profile and we should find out by the end of next week if she picked us. Too bad my friend Angie doesn't live in New Orleans anymore, if she does pick us I'll have to stay there 7-10 days before I can bring the baby back to Utah. This one's not due until December 4th, so we have some time to arrange everything. But, who knows if we'll be picked or not! The roller coaster ride of adoption!


Valorie said...

That is great news! I am glad you are posting updates about your adoption process. I think that is wonderful, and I will look forward to your news that you have a new member of your family!

Angie said...

Wow, that is crazy that this is moving so fast! If you end up going to Louisiana, I can hook you up with somewhere to stay! Good luck!

Brian Beckstead said...

We are super happy for you guys! It also means that one of our kids won't be a total loner. Kind of sad that your family's an upgrade?!?

Maddie and April Lloyd said...

You guys are amazing. Let us know if you need anything at all. Good luck!