Okay, so I've been obsessed with reading these blogs about Stephanie and Christian Nielson.
I probably check the blogs twice a day. And I feel the difference in me and my life, trying to find
joy in every little thing. So it's been on my mind and I went visiting teaching the other day and lo
and behold my partner gives the message about motherhood. This is what it says in the message
from Julie B. Beck "A woman who treasures motherhood on earth will treasure motherhood in
the world to come, and 'where [her] treasure is, there will [her] heart be also'(Matthew 6:21). By
developing a mother heart, each girl and woman prepares for her divine, eternal mission of
motherhood." So, I guess that means when Brigham wants to go peepee in the potty, but not
poopoo and goes poopoo on the sidewalk in front of the hospital (long story), I need to treasure
these moments, right????
Above pictures:
Me helping Macy get a sliver out at Grandma Beckstead's cabin, while she freaks out.
Brigham licking up the sour stuff after he spilled sour patch kids at Grandma Beckstead's cabin.
Me and Kinsie (she's almost 11 and a girl, need I say more?).
Kamryn insisting on the spotlight when it was Macy's birthday, that was fun?!?